Letter to the Parent/Guardian

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Thank you so much for allowing us to play a role in your student's life. We work very hard to provide a safe environment for your student to become all God has created them to be. Each of our leaders are trained and background checked. Each Elevate Night also has a security team to ensure your students safety.
We hope to be an influence in the life of your student. However, we know that we aren't the ONLY influence. In fact, students are only here at church for up to 0.6% of their year. That means that 99.4% of that time they are with someone else. Fortunately, a lot of that time is spent with you, their parents, which means you have a greater influence on your students than we do. But we want to help!
We believe that two combined influences can have a much greater impact than just separate influences.
In other words, we are better together. When we are on the same page, pulling in the same direction and saying the same things, imagine what we can do together for your student.
We want to partner with you to support your family, provide resources, and answer any questions that you may have. We would love to hear from you!
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